2005 The Predicament of Chukotka’s Indigenous Movement: Post-Soviet Activism in the Russian Far North. New York: Cambridge University Press.
2011 Going Forward Looking Back: Reflections on two decades of Irish charity work in Central and Eastern Europe. Dublin: Eastern Europe Aid and Development Network. Co-edited with Frances Haworth.

 Selected Articles and Book Chapters

2025 Patty A. Gray and Alexandra S. Antohin, “Early Post-Soviet Religious Practices in Magadan: Russian Orthodoxy and the Subversive Slot.” Sibirica: Interdisciplinary Journal of Siberian Studies, expected 2025.
2024 “Exiled from Siberia: Fieldwork Conditions in Chukotka in the 1990s.” In Anthropology of Siberia in the 19th and 20th Centuries (Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia), ed. Joachim Otto Habeck and Virginie Vaté, expected 2024.
2022 Putin’s Long Game.” Hot Spots, Fieldsites, series “Russia’s War in Ukraine,” edited by Nancy Ries and Catherine Wanner, March 28th.
2022 “In Memoriam. Margarita Ivanovna Belichenko (Kevyŋevyt), 1945-2021: Radio Journalist and Champion of Chukchi Language and Tradition.” Études Inuit Studies Vol. 45, No. 1-2.
2021 “‘О вкусе хлеба мы уже забыли’: Обеспечение чукотского села в постсоветский период” [‘We Have Already Forgotten the Taste of Bread’: Provisioning in a Chukotkan Village after State Socialism]. Сибирские исторические исследования [Siberian Historical Research] 2021, No. 4: 21-36. DOI: 10.17223/2312461X/34/3.
2016 “Memory, body, and the online researcher: Following Russian street demonstrations via social media.” American Ethnologist, 43 (3): 500-510, https://doi.org/10.1111/amet.12342.
2016 Современное состяние оленеводства на Чукотке” [The current state of reindeer herding in Chukotka]. Translated by Sergei Sokolovskii. Этнографическое обозрение [Ethnographic Review] No.2 (2016), pp.42-54.
2015 “Russia as a Recruited Development Donor.” European Journal of Development Research (2015) 27, pp. 273–288. https://doi.org/10.1057/ejdr.2014.34.
2013 “Looking ‘The Gift’ in the mouth.” In Introductory Readings in Anthropology, ed. by Hilary Callan, Brian Street and Simon Underdown. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 221-227.
2012 “‘I Should Have Some Deer, But I Don’t Remember How Many’: Confused Ownership of Reindeer in Chukotka.” In Who Owns the Stock? Collective and Multiple Property Rights in Animals, ed. by Guenther Schlee and Anatoly Khazanov. Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp. 27-44.
2011 “Looking ‘The Gift’ in the mouth: Russia as donor.” Anthropology Today 27(2): 5-8, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-8322.2011.00794.x.
2007 “Chukotka’s Indigenous intellectuals and subversion of Indigenous activism in the 1990s.” Études/Inuit/Studies 31(1-2):143-161, https://doi.org/10.7202/019719ar.
2006 “‘The Last Kulak’ and other stories of post-privatization life in Chukotka’s tundra.” Nomadic Peoples 10(2): 50-67, https://doi.org/10.3167/np.2006.100204.
2006 “How Reindeer Herding Did Not (Yet) Survive Privatization in Chukotka, Russia” (in Norwegian). Ottar, Journal of the Tromsø Museum, No. 1 (259): 42-48.
2004 “Chukotkan Reindeer Husbandry in the Twentieth Century:   In the Image of the Soviet Economy.” In Cultivating Arctic Landscapes: Knowing & Managing Animals in the Circumpolar North, ed. by D. Anderson and M. Nuttall, pp. 136-153. Oxford: Berghahn.
2003 Patty A. Gray, Nikolai Vakhtin and Peter Schweitzer, “Who owns Siberian ethnography? A critical assessment of a re-internationalized field.” Sibirica 3(2):194-216, https://doi.org/10.1080/1361736042000245312.
  “Volga Farmers and Arctic Herders: Common (post)Socialist experiences in rural Russia.”In The Postsocialist Agrarian Question: Property Relations and the Rural Condition, ed. by Chris Hann and the Property Relations Group, pp. 293-320, Vol. I in the series Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia. Muenster: Lit Verlag.
2001 “The obshchina in Chukotka: Land, property and local autonomy.” Working Paper No. 29 of the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
2000 Chukotkan Reindeer Husbandry in the Post-Socialist Transition,” Polar Research 19(1):31-38.
  Peter P. Schweitzer and Patty A. Gray, “The Chukchi and Siberian Yupiit of the Russian Far East.” In: Endangered Peoples of the Arctic: Struggles to Survive and Thrive, ed. by Milton M.R. Freeman, pp. 17-37. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
1994 “Mednyj Aleut: Language Contact in the North Pacific” Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 109-113 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1075/jpcl.9.1.13pat

Selected Reviews and Commentaries

2012 “Who is leading Russia’s overseas aid programme?” The AidData Blog, 18 September 2012 (http://aiddata.org/blog/who-is-leading-russias-overseas-aid-programme).
2011 “The Emerging Powers and the Changing Landscape of Foreign Aid and Development Cooperation: Public Perceptions of Development Cooperation. Summary Paper 4: Russia.” Report prepared for the project “The ‘non-DAC donors’ and the role of public perspectives in shaping the future of aid”.
  Patty A. Gray and Thomas Strong, “The Place of Ethics in Ireland and Elsewhere.” Anthropology News March 2011, page 22.
2009 Review of: Settlers on the Edge: Identity and Modernization on Russia’s Arctic Frontier, by Niobe Thompson. Sibirica 8(1):83-85.
2007 Review of: In Pursuit of the Siberian Shaman, a film by Anya Bernstein. Visual Anthropology 20(1):85-86.
2005 Decollectivisation in Rural Russia: A Perspective from the Far North.” In Property Relations: The Halle Focus Group 2000-2005, ed. by Chris Hann, pp. 38-41. Halle/Saale: The Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology.
  Peter P. Schweitzer and Patty A. Gray, “Chukchis.” In: Supplement to the Modern Encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet and Eurasian History, Vol. 6, ed. by Bruce F. Adams, pp. 79-84. Gulf Breeze, FL: Academic International Press.
2004 Review of: Who Owns the Past? The Politics of Time in a ‘Model’ Bulgarian Village, by Deema Kaneff. Soyuz: The Research Network for Postsocialist Studies.
2002 Patty A. Gray and Florian Stammler, “Siberia Caught between Collapse and Continuity.” Max Planck Research: Science Magazine of the Max Planck Society 3/2002, pp. 54-61.
  Review of: The Tenacity of Ethnicity: A Siberian Saga in Global Perspective, by Marjorie Mandelstam Balzer. American Ethnologist 29(1):213-14.
2001 Review of: Antler on the Sea: The Yup’ik and Chukchi of the Russian Far East, by Anna Kerttula. American Ethnologist 28(4):957-58.
1997 “Snezhnoe: Where East and West Collide.” Transitions: Changes in Post-Communist Societies 4(6):96-100.